What are the symptoms of breast cancer?


Une patiente ayant mal

The most common clinical sign of breast cancer is the appearance of a painless, hard, irregularly contoured lump or mass in the breast. However, some cancers present as soft, rounded tumors. These clinical signs are therefore ambiguous. For this reason, any abnormality in the breast requires a thorough clinical examination by a specialist. He or she will prescribe medical imaging tests, such as mammography, ultrasound or MRI, to pinpoint the origin of the anomaly. This may turn out to be benign, but you must not put off consulting a specialist to rule out or confirm the presence of cancer.

More marked signs may appear: in the breast, the skin may be retracted or have an unusual consistency. It may look like an orange peel. The nipple may be retracted. Other symptoms may include fluid discharge from the nipple, particularly bleeding, a lump under the armpit, fatigue or weight loss for no apparent reason. Many of these clinical signs may have been discovered during self-examination or by a specialist during a consultation. More often, however, breast cancer is discovered during a screening mammogram, even before the appearance of clinical sign.

In short... When is it wise to consult?

It is advisable to consult your GP or gynaecologist if you notice any of the following signs:

A painless lump in the breast

Swelling of part of the breast without a distinct mass (rarer)

A change in the skin of the breast, such as irregularity, redness or irritation

Modification, pain or retraction of the nipple

Fatigue or weight loss for no apparent reason

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