Your cancer

Living with the disease


What is it ?

L’immunothérapie est un traitement du cancer permettant la stimulation de notre système immunitaire afin de cibler les cellules cancéreuses et les détruire.

Dans le développement d’un cancer, les cellules échappent au système immunitaire. Le principe des immunothérapies est d’aider le système immunitaire à identifier ces cellules pour pouvoir les détruire.

How it works

There are several forms of immunotherapy available:

Immune checkpoint inhibitors

When confronted with microbes, the immune system uses a system of ‘checkpoints’ to speed up or slow down its immune response

During an infection, the immune system accelerates its response in order to eliminate external agents, then slows down once elimination is complete.

Unlike a classic infection, cancer cells have the ability to slow down the immune system, thus avoiding elimination.

Checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy blocks this ability, thus reactivating the immune system so it will destroy the cancer cells.

Immune checkpoint inhibitors used today generally target the CTLA-4 protein, the PD-1 receptor, and the PDL-1 ligand.


Car T-cells

Les cellules CAR T, ou CART-cells, sont des lymphocytes T modifiés afin  d’exprimer à leur surface un récepteur appelé récepteur chimérique ou CAR (Chimeric Antigen Receptor). Le principe de ce traitement est de prélever des lymphocytes T à un patient puis de les modifier génétiquement pour exprimer ce récepteur permettant de reconnaitre plus spécifiquement les cellules cancéreuses. Une fois les lymphocytes modifiés génétiquement, le personnel soignant qualifié les réinjectera à ce même patient.

Side Effects

The most common side effects are:

Infusion reaction



Redness and itching


Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

Endocrine-related symptoms


Cough and shortness of breath



Immunotherapy treatments are administered intravenously. They are used for skin cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, head and neck cancer, bladder cancer, triple negative breast cancer, Merkel cell carcinoma, lymphomas, and other types of cancer.

However, immunotherapy is not currently a common treatment option, as many patients are not suitable candidates and not all cancers respond well.

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